Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Captain's Blog 8-2-16

Planning day.

Thorough review of charts has yielded us a slew of good coordinates to follow.  We were looking for something beyond just "keep the land to your left at approx 3 miles....."  Also put together a quick meal schedule with Will and Jonathan for while we are in the keys (Bruce was absent from this meeting as usual).....  Looks like spaghetti, "chicken goo", and of course the ever necessary steak and lobster are on the menu (aside from the obligatory pizza order and sandwiches)....

I would say that we are now ready to rock and roll!!!!

Clearwater to Marathon
Pg references are Maptech Region 8 15th Edition

Day 1
1.       Pg 14
ICW  down to St John’s Pass
Target G“9”
N27deg 36.22min
W082deg 51.87min

2.       PG 14
Target G“1”
N27deg 32.20min
W082deg 48.50min

3.       Pg 14, 13, 12, 2
58nm @ 159deg
N26deg 39.85min
W082deg 19.55min

4.       Pg 11, 10, 2
17.6nm @ 156deg
N26deg 24.50min
W082deg 10.00min

5.       Pg 9, 2
Target Gordon Pass
N26deg 05.50min
W082deg 48.70min

Day 2
1.       Pg 10A
Exit Gordon Pass
N25deg 41.30min
W081deg 38.77min

2.       Pg 27A
Target Bullard Bank (Keep to Stbd) - G”17”
60nm @ 150deg
N24deg 50.00min
W081deg 10.00min

3.       Pg 4A
Target John Sawyer Bank (keep to Port) – Straight shot between R”16” and R”18”
N24deg 45.65min
W081deg 45.65min

4.       Pg 19A
Faro Blanco
N24deg 42.68min
W081deg 06.30min

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