Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Captain's Blog: 8-9-16

Weather report called for thunderstorms in the morning, clearing into the afternoon.....  Well, weather is probably the only job in the world where you can be wrong 99.9% of the time and still be considered good at what you do.....  woke up to 89 degrees and nary a cloud in the sky!  Quick - let's dive!  Given the weather was so ideal, we decided to make the trek west down by Cudjoe Key to dive the Adolphus Busch - about a 25 mile run south.  Adolphus is a wreck situated at 110' on the bottom.  Beautiful dive!  The ship is still intact - you can actually tell it is a boat still....!!!  Great dive - clear water, 30-50' visibility, perfect temp (even at that depth).  When finished, we ran back north to a couple of our "Friends in Low Places" coordinates.  Nope - they still haven't come back in....!!

At 1700, Bruce got a call from Faro Blanco telling us we have to move our boats tonight.  New slip assignments due to piling work being done the rest of the week.....WTF!!!!????!!!!  Fine, we will accommodate and move - what an annoying PITA, having to move our lines, dock box, bumpers, power and water cables, dock chairs, etc.  So we move to the new location - which doesn't have a wall ro protect the boats from the beach sand which constantly blows up onto the dock and into the boat.  And the worst of it all - the slips they put us into, all the power was already being used.  The boats to the left and right of us were consuming all outlets on each pedestal.  Called up Faro and due to the hour, all dock personnel had already left for the day.  So of course, we get screwed with no power.  Their solution, "run an extension cord from another pedestal..."  That shit doesn't fly with me..... you are going to inconvenience me like this, then put me into a slip that has no power available.  Straight up unacceptable!  Bitching will be had....!!

After 1.5 hours of moving everything and making the boats secure, time to cleaned the gear.....  now dark, time to clean fish and lobster..... PITA!!!  Time to finally make our way to the pool.

While at the pool, out of no where a squall blows in!! Back to the boats to make sure everything is secure!!!  Our lines pulled taught and we were pushing hard into the dock - luckily we stayed inches off the rocks and clear!  A few boats snapped lines and others got pushed into the rocks.....  We tightened our lines and secured our glass - by the time we were done, the storm had passed, OF COURSE!

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